Nigeria Inches Towards 70% Broadband Target

The 70 per cent national broadband target set by the Nigerian government before 2025 is set to be achieved if recent data from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) is to be believed. The NCC revealed that the country’s broadband penetration moved from 40.9 per cent in February 2022 to 44.5 per cent in July 2022.
The Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Prof. Umar Danbatta, who disclosed this in Abuja recently noted that the increase in broadband penetration is a good omen for Nigeria’s broadband and digital economy pursuit.
He stated that such growth will help to accommodate emerging technologies and advancements in the sector, which demand that the Commission matches these developments with appropriate regulations and guidelines.
According to him, “Nigeria’s broadband usage has continued on the rise, moving up from 40.9 per cent in February 2022 to 44.5 per cent in July 2022, a figure considered hopeful for achieving the national broadband target of 70 per cent in 2025.”
He added that with the technological advancements anticipated in the coming years, it is expected that there will be a proliferation of devices in the industry. It is, therefore, essential for the Commission to ensure that the right regulatory frameworks can accommodate such eventualities.