FG To Establish National Waste Management Network To Boost Circular Economy


The Federal Government has unveiled plans to establish a comprehensive National Waste Management Network, which will serve as a platform for states to collaborate, enhance their participation in the circular management of waste, and reap significant benefits through the process.

Ishaq Salako, Minister of State for Environment, said the initiative is in response to mounting concerns over environmental degradation, indiscriminate piling up of refuse by roadsides and the pressing need to transition toward a more sustainable future.

He stated this at the joint press conference in celebration of the 2024 world press freedom day, held at the national press center in Abuja themed: “A PRESS FOR THE PLANET: JOURNALISM IN THE FACE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS.

He also said that the network will facilitate the sharing of resources, expertise, and best practices among states, and local governments and foster a cohesive approach to waste management across the country.

This, he said led to the launch of a national circular roadmap which will engage states to domesticate and serve as a framework for recycling some previously considered waste, promoting state engagement in recycling initiatives.

In addition to environmental benefits, the establishment of the network is poised to generate significant economic advantages for participating states. By streamlining waste management processes and promoting resource efficiency, states stand to reduce operational costs associated with waste disposal and landfill management.

The creation of a robust circular economy framework is expected to stimulate job growth, spur investment in green technologies, and enhance the competitiveness of domestic industries, he stated.

Salako further emphasized the need for sustainable practices and intergovernmental collaboration in promoting environmental stewardship and resource efficiency.

The Minister added that refuse littered around the country does not belong to the Federal Government, clarifying that all waste falls under state and local government responsibility.

“I can tell you that it’s a major challenge that we are confronted with. First, you must realize that the Federal Government does not own refuse. All refuse belong to the states and their local governments. If we are going to now turn those refuse to wealth in several ways, it means we must work very closely with states.

“For example, I can’t go to Ogun state now as minister of state environment and say I want to start recycling. Because all the refuse in Ogun state belongs to Ogun state government, so those with the responsibility have to be carried along. The federal government on the issue of waste management is to create a national network, a Platform that states can plug in for the circular management of their waste.”

He recalled the federal government, two weeks ago launched the national Circular roadmap which will now engage the states to domesticate and serve as a framework for recycling of some of the country’s previously considered waste.