Caleb University Holds 16th Matriculation; Enrols 2,238 Students


The 16th Matriculation of Caleb University, has held at the University’s Main Campus at Imota, Lagos with a record 2,238 new students.

In his welcome address, the Vice- Chancellor, Prof. Nosa Owens-Ibie, announced that an unprecedented total of 2,238 new students were admitted for the 2022/2023 academic session; a notable improvement from the 1,558 admitted last session; which in itself was a record, at that time.

Of the 2,238 admitted, 2,018 are 100 level, and 220 are direct entry students. There are also 50 new students at the Caleb Business School (CBS), and 332 at the postgraduate level.
This number is apart from the 253 students admitted to the Joint Universities Preliminary Education Board (JUPEB).

Indeed, according to the Vice-Chancellor, the interest in Caleb University is a statement of affirmation by a discerning investing public. The fact that the Institution is attracting highly-ranked scholars of repute locally and internationally, is also an indication of Institutional progress:

“The kind of things unfolding at Caleb University is beyond rational explanation.” He explained in the address titled “Mystery versus Mastery”, that the mystery is about signs and wonders which the University is experiencing and knows can only have been made possible by the Almighty God, while there is an unflagging simultaneous pursuit of the mantra of Character in Leadership and academic excellence through working smart to achieve a global target of sustainable mainstreaming, the VC submitted.

This development adds another feather to the caps of Caleb University which the National Universities Commission recently approved the full re-accreditation of the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and BSc programmes of Accounting, Architecture, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Mass Communication, Microbiology and Industrial Biotechnology, as well as the full accreditation of the bachelor’s degree in Psychology. All programmes currently offered at Caleb University are fully accredited.