Mere Anyi Ebere: Download Chart Topping Single for Free


Hi There!

You can now download the hit single “Mere anyi ebere” for free.

The song is an outcry for God’s unfailing mercy has been released by Worship Leader, Sister Elizabeth Ndubisi Eromosele.

The song is based on the Bible passage that it’s by God’s mercy that we are not consumed, his compassion never fails. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.

“Mere anyi ebere” encourages us to approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. You will agree with me that This is a time of need.

According to Sister Elizabeth, “This song was born in my heart years ago but began to burn during the lockdown when I felt in my spirit that we are entering trying times and will need God to intervene on our behalf more than ever.”

Sister Elizabeth Ndubisi Eromosele, fondly called Aunty Lizzy, gave her life to Christ in her teenage years at FGGC Bida and believes worship is a secret to a close walk with God.
She always loved singing and worship but only when alone. She shied away from singing in the choir. Sister Elizabeth is a CEM Trained Child Evangelist. She is an optometrist from the University of Benin, an author of children’s educational and religious books and a school administrator.

Sister Elizabeth’s worship songs are a product of deep intimacy, fellowship and seeking after God, as is evident in this new single. It is the craving of a worshipper for deeper measures of the Holy Spirit and greater manifestations of His dimensions.

Sister Elizabeth serves as a children’s minister at a Centre of The Covenant Nation in Lagos Nigeria.

“Mere anyi ebere” is available for download/streaming:



Here are links to listen and share


Apple Music:


Lyrics Video:

You can contact Sister Elizabeth on Facebook:

Instagram: @Elizabeth_Ndubisi