By Elvis Eromosele
Women are the unsung heroes of nation-building. They, by industry, hold homes together, their support energizes the men and their guidance uplift the children. Women are like the fulcrum that helps to keep the nations and indeed the world, moving forward. They deserve to be celebrated every day and in every way.
The reality is however different. Ingrained biases have seen women discriminated against, sidelined and shortchanged. This should not be. It is time to break the bias.
Bias has led to women being deprived of education, prevented from taking up certain jobs and many times receiving lesser pay for equal work. This should not be. It is time to break the bias.
If women are empowered to explore their full potential, the impact on the nation’s GDP would be humongous. Imagine an army of women suddenly joining the workforce, more women rising up the corporate ladder and others setting up small businesses across the countryside. The impact would be revolutionary. It will mark the beginning of a new season of inclusiveness and national growth.
To break the backbone of poverty women must be empowered. To achieve this, the bias that prevents women from taking up work for which they have passion and aptitude needs to be broken. The bias that keeps girls away from school has to be broken. Every bias that holds women back must be broken.
Every time is a good time to celebrate women. The month of March is particularly important because of the commemoration of International Women’s Day. This is a day set aside specifically to celebrate women. This year especially more so as women again continue to contribute immensely to efforts to save the world.
Women make up at least half the world’s population. Their contribution cannot be understated.
Their celebration must be always on.
Nigerian women deserve a salute. The 100 million strong Nigerian women are heroes.
Salute to Nigeria’s 100 million Women!
Respect always!
Happy International Women’s Day 2022!
Elvis Eromosele, a Corporate Communication professional and public affairs analyst lives in Lagos.