Consumers Value Awards 2023: Coronation of the Consumer With Glitz and Glamour


By Elvis Eromosele

In a world that often celebrates the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, there’s a quiet yet significant movement happening in Nigeria that deserves its share of the spotlight. This is the celebration of brands selected by the consumer based on value.

Yes, the Consumers Value Awards, designed to recognize and celebrate brands that prioritize consumer satisfaction and uphold ethical business practices, deserve and own their place in the spotlight. While it is not your typical red carpet event, it was a night that shone just as brightly with its unique allure.

Unlike traditional awards, the winners of these consumer value awards are determined not by an expert panel but by the consumers themselves. Through a voting mechanism, consumers have the opportunity to voice their preferences, share their experiences, and ultimately shape the marketplace. The award night is an opportunity to celebrate the chosen brands.

Now, everyone says that the consumer is king. Many believe this assertion. But only a few ever get an opportunity to see the coronation. In Lagos last week, I was one of the fortunate few to witness the coronation of the consumer. The Consumer Value Awards 2023 organised by Brandxchange was an incisive celebration of the consumer and a platform to reward brands that put consumers first as attested to by the consumers themselves. The brands got the awards badges but the consumer emerged as the through king.

The Consumer Value Awards 2023 was truly a night of glamour, a few speeches and plenty of refreshments and gifts. It was classy, cordial and collegiate.

A popular theme on the night was that in an era where consumers’ choices are more abundant than ever before, the importance of consumer rights and consumerism cannot be overstated.

The experts conceded that a vibrant consumer-centric market not only ensures fair practices and quality products but also drives innovation and competition.

The Consumers Value Awards proved a thoroughly powerful vehicle for raising awareness about consumer rights and consumerism in the country. This year’s event theme, the “Consumer Satisfaction Index”, undoubtedly helped to deepen the dialogue on the significance of consumer feedback and advocacy in shaping the marketplace.

All the top organisations at the forefront of consumer protection in Nigeria were on hand and ground in support of this first-of-its-kind initiative. The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Lagos State Consumer Protection Agency (LASCOPA), Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and Federal Competition & Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) all praised the initiative, commended the organiser and expressed full support.

The 2023 Consumers Value Awards, was a night of excellence, innovation, and celebration. To those of us on the ground, the event was not just about recognizing the achievements of brands; it was a testament to the incredible strides made by Nigerian entrepreneurs, innovators, and professionals in shaping the future of the nation’s economy whilst providing fit-for-purpose quality products and services. Have you ever tasted Just Delight (Non-Dairy) ice cream? It is a plant-based product and a suitable alternative to regular (dairy) ice cream. It’s incredible.

One of the hallmarks of the Consumers Value Awards was the uncanny commitment to acknowledging a diverse array of contributors. From corporate organisations to insurance companies, from telecommunications services providers to food processors, media and the consumers themselves, the CVA reached players from every walk of life. Everyone present was made to feel special.

To my mind, what sets this awards program apart is its unwavering dedication to promoting a consumer’s choice. Yes, it was a celebration of the king and the value choices.

To my mind, the awards serve as a call to action, inspiring brands to continue to dream big and develop innovative ideas that have the potential to enhance consumer satisfaction and boost economic growth.

I can tell you for free that on the glittering night of September 7th attendees showcased not only the best of Nigerian entrepreneurship but also a display of style and class. The red carpet was graced by luminaries from various sectors, all dressed to the nines. It was indeed a night where fashion met business, where innovation romanced elegance, and where class rubbed shoulders with creativity.

Beyond the glitz and glamour, the Consumers Value Awards 2023 is a reminder that success is not just measured in profits but in actual value to the end users, the consumer and the positive impact on society. It was a celebration of those who dared to dream, who innovated relentlessly, and who placed the consumer first every time.

Let us not forget that behind the sparkle and allure lies a deep commitment to the growth and prosperity of Nigeria and the absolute well-being of the consumer. It was a night to celebrate excellence and reward brands for sticking to the quality but also a night to praise the consumer.

Consumer Value Awards 2023 was more than an award for brands. It was a coronation for the choice maker, the consumer. Long live the king!

Elvis Eromosele, a corporate communication professional and public affairs analyst, lives in Lagos. He can be reached via